Accredited public health degree programs in Iowa prepare students for the rigorous demands of working in the public health field. With a degree in hand, students might look for jobs working for community health organizations, in hospitals or even for the state or federal government. Iowa programs often include some type of internship component that requires students spend one or more semesters working for a local organization and gaining some experience. Students interested in working in the public health sector should compare and contrast the different programs to find one that includes the courses and experiences they hope to take and have.

Des Moines University

College of Health Sciences

Founded in 1898, Des Moines University is a medical university in Iowa. Established on the idea that patients deserved the right to better medical care, the school instilled in its students a need to better themselves and better the lives of their patients. Originally opened as a surgical school, the college later added new programs that focused on other aspects of the healthcare profession. DMU now offers nine different degree programs for those who want a professional career in medicine. It is one of the oldest medical schools of its type in the country and one of the 15 largest medical schools in the nation as well.

Master of Public Health

The Master of Public Health program at Des Moines University is a program designed to help professionals transition from college to the world of medicine. As part of the College of Health Science, the program uses assessment reports as a way to keep track of the individual progress that each student makes and to ensure they can keep up with the demands of the program. All professors working for the school have a high level of experience in the medical field and teach students based on the experiences they had. Unlike other similar programs, DMU also offers students the option of taking some or all of their courses online. There is also an internship component that gives students some hands on experience with medical and healthcare organizations throughout the city. DMU can also assist students with finding jobs after finishing the program and with both their personal and professional development.


  • Council on Education for Public Health


3200 Grand Ave
Des Moines, IA 50312
(800) 240-2767
[email protected]

University of Iowa

Graduate College

The University of Iowa was the first school of higher learning established in the state. Founded in 1847, it developed a good reputation thanks to its commitment to its students. It was one of the first schools in the country that admitted both female and African American students. U.S. News and World Report ranked UI one of the top 30 public schools in the country, and its graduate school received recognition as well. University of Iowa believes in installing in its students a strong sense of community and the need to constantly improve themselves even after finishing a college degree.

Master of Public Health (MPH)

The College of Public Health at the University of Iowa offers multiple degrees for those interested in medicine and health. Often called one of the top Master of Public Health programs in the world, UI has medical doctors, dentists and nurses teaching its students. The school offers a number of different courses designed to give students a broad understanding of public health and what professionals working in the field do every day. Students have the option of completing two degrees at the same time and studying veterinary medicine, law or another topic at the same time they finish an MPH degree. There is another program designed for students interested in working on graduate level courses as they finish an undergraduate degree. Students currently working in the field can also enroll in a professional program that lets them take online, weekend and nighttime classes to finish the program as they continue working.


  • Council on Education for Public Health


Iowa City, Iowa 52242
(319) 335-3500
[email protected]

Finishing a public health degree lets students seek a variety of different jobs. They can help those who cannot help themselves in a public clinic, work with organizations to inform others of potential diseases and help stop the spread of those diseases. Those professionals play an important role in the medical field, but before seeking employment, students must complete one of the accredited public health degree programs in Iowa.