Professionals with nursing degrees are in extremely high demand throughout the country, which makes the goal of attending an accredited nursing administration degree program in Oklahoma a very attractive one. Those who have already worked as a nurse and who now want to be involved in nursing in a managerial role will find the prospect of nursing administration a good fit. Nursing administrators can transfer their experience and knowledge as nurses into a role where they can help enhance overall patient care, develop the careers of other nurses, and create supportive and effective healthcare environments.

University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Fran and Earl Ziegler College of Nursing

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Fran and Earl Ziegler College of Nursing has a deep tradition of excellence in providing accredited nursing administration degree programs in Oklahoma. Nationally recognized, it provides the state's largest nursing program and strives to provide a stellar education to those who want to improve the healthcare industry through nursing. Offering full-time, part-time and distance education, the program is led by a diverse and expert faculty that is dedicated to the futures of students. The College of Nursing strives to enhance healthcare with a wide range of community outreach programs as well as in-depth research initiatives.

MSN Administration Management

A master's degree in nursing administration management prepares students for management and administration roles in diverse healthcare settings. The curriculum prepares students to strategically manage human, information, fiscal, and material resources to better manage a staff of nurses. Classes include those on leadership, administration, management, and relationship building as well as preparing students to become an advocate for the nursing profession. Graduates of the program will be able to employ leadership management skills to improve their teams and healthcare environments, collaborate with larger healthcare teams to improve nursing teams and the nursing industry, influence healthcare policy locally and throughout the industry in an ethical manner, and demonstrate knowledge and expertise at all levels of nursing and the broader healthcare industry. Those who graduate the program will be on a path to lifelong learning and development in the healthcare field.


— Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)


Fran and Earl Ziegler College of Nursing

1100 N Stonewall Ave

Oklahoma City, OK 73117

(405) 271-2428

[email protected]

Nursing Administration offers a number of opportunities to create a fulfilling career that not only helps patients and nurses at an individual level, but can also influence and shape the healthcare field as a whole. Pursuing a career in nursing management is an ambitious goal and one that students can accomplish through an accredited nursing administration degree program in Oklahoma.

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