Whether you're a current nurse and want to go back to school, or you're a high school graduate with dreams of working as a nurse, you'll find a number of accredited nursing degree programs in Nevada. Programs at the undergrad level teach you how to work with patients, take their vital signs and administer treatment under the guidance of a doctor. If you already have your BSN, you might look at some of the top graduate programs that can help you develop strong leadership skills and other skills that employers want in nurses working in hospitals and other facilities today.

University of Nevada-Reno

Orvis School of Nursing

The University of Nevada-Reno, also known as UNR is the largest university in Reno and one of the largest public colleges in Nevada. Founded as the State University of Nevada, it opened in Elko in he 1870s, but it then changed its name to the Nevada State University and moved to Reno the following decade, which led to its last name change. Most call the campus the University of Nevada. It has nine colleges operating on its campus and nine separate professional schools that offer programs in nursing, social work, business, health sciences, engineering and journalism among other subjects.

Master of Science in Nursing Clinical Nurse Leader Track

UNR is home to some of the top accredited nursing degree programs in Nevada including its Master of Science in Nursing Clinical Nurse Leader Track program. Its basic Master of Science in Nursing, or MSN, program is open to those who have a bachelor's degree in nursing, but you may need to show that you have some practical or clinical experience too as well as your nursing license. Though you can specialize your degree with a concentration in nursing education or family practice, its concentration in nursing clinical leader is among the top options. You'll spend a minimum of 300 hours doing clinical fieldwork under supervision and at least 120 additional hours doing independent fieldwork. You'll also take classes on nursing leadership, clinical work, medical ethics and medical laws. The University of Nevada-Reno offers its MSN program and all concentrations on both a part-time or full-time basis for students who work in the field or have other time commitments.


  • Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)


1664 N. Virginia Street

Reno 89557

(775) 784-1110


Working as a nurse today requires a unique set of skills that will help you as you work with patients, nurses and other medical professionals. You can develop all those skills and many more that employers desire in nurses after enrolling in and completing one of the top accredited nursing degree programs in Nevada.

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