Nursing is a popular field within the medical community. It allows people to care for others or create programs that increase patients' chances of living longer and healthier lives. Nurses are always in high demand, and this trend is expected to continue. Many people extend their education with a Master of Science in Nursing.

Resource: 30 Most Affordable Online Nursing Administration Degrees (MSN)

Here are five benefits of completing this degree.

1. Top Pay

One of the best benefits of finishing a Master of Science in Nursing is the increased pay. The actual pay rate varies between locations and depends on a particular specialization. Larger metropolitan areas usually enjoy the highest salaries. Generally, a person can expect to receive between $62,000 and $90,000 each year. However, it is possible to earn over $100,000 when gaining employment in specialty hospitals.

2. Better Hours

Nursing can be very rewarding, especially when helping individuals regain their independence. However, the hours can be exhausting. It is common for regular nurses to serve 12-hour shifts and work holidays. With a Master's degree, it is possible to obtain managerial positions, which commonly adhere to 40-hour work weeks. Also, when a person earns promotions that pay better, it may be possible to work less hours and spend more quality time at home with family.

3. Extend a Career

A registered nurse is commonly employed in a practical setting, including a hospital or doctor's office. Since many facilities are under-staffed, a nurse is pulled in a number of directions without many breaks. This means he or she has to stand on his or her feet many hours each day. Nurses commonly develop back and leg problems that may shorten the possible years they can work. However, by obtaining an MSN degree, a person has greater opportunities to work in administrative roles. These duties can often be completed behind a desk. Resting the legs will save a person pain and help him or her work into retirement age.

4. Numerous Career Options

With an MSN degree, a person has a wide variety of career opportunities available. A nurse can specialize in a particular area or take a leadership role. Many degree holders choose to become nurse educators. This allows individuals to mentor others who are just beginning in the field of nursing. This helps people make positive differences and play essential roles in the continuous care around the world, which is often impossible with traditional nursing roles.

This type of degree can help a person become something other than a teacher. For example, a person can train to become a certified nurse midwife. In this field, a person works with conventional doctors and is qualified to provide gynecological care to women and discuss various methods of family planning.

Another popular career choice is a nurse anesthetist. In this role, a person prepares patients for medical procedures, determines the most appropriate agents to use, and administers the correct doses of anesthesia.

5. Obtain Greater Knowledge

When a nurse wants deeper knowledge in medicine, a Master's degree program is ideal. The involved courses provide a student with a deeper comprehension of topics not included in regular nursing school. It is also a great way to target a particular area of interest.

An MSN is the next step toward a doctorate degree. All nurses should have a commitment to continuous education. This does not mean everyone must strive toward a Ph.D., but it is an inspiring goal. Higher degrees bring respect from others in the medical community.

The healthcare industry is undergoing a radical transformation. As patients are spending less time in hospitals, there is a growing trend for nursing specialists to work in home-care settings and other domains. Today's Master's programs are placing emphasis on new research and patient treatment methods and are increasing the amount of time in clinical practice. The above benefits are just a few reasons to consider heading back to school and enrolling in a MSN program.

Additional Resource: 30 Most Affordable Masters in Healthcare Administration Degree Programs 2015