Although there are a wide variety of wonderful vocational paths an individual could choose to pursue, opting for a career in Healthcare Administration can be uniquely beneficial. In many cases, individuals who attain their Healthcare Administration degree decide to return to school to enhance their skill set and marketability. If you are interested in selecting a graduate program that will complement your Healthcare Administration degree, the information listed below can be of great use to you:

Healthcare Administration-The Basics

Although broadly defined, Healthcare Administration is the field that pertains to management, leadership, and administration of a public health system, hospital, hospital network, or health care system. Generally, a health care administrator is considered to be a health care professional. As Lisa Davila notes upon discussing the field of Healthcare Administration, "Health care administrators have wide-ranging influence within the world of medicine. The leadership that these professionals provide sets the future course not only for the facilities they manage but also for the health care system as a whole."

Choosing A Graduate Program To Complement A Healthcare Administration Degree

Once you have attained your degree in Healthcare Administration, you may find it advantageous to return to school to complete a graduate program. There are a variety of wonderful programs that you could choose from. Selecting the best one will be contingent upon recognizing the career goal you're attempting to accomplish. Here are several graduate programs to consider.

1. Medical Informatics

Medical informatics is a field which studies the nature of medical information and how information technology is used in medical practice, research, and education. Because there has been a rise in the application and use of information technology within the medical industry, there is now a great need for professionals who can implement their knowledge regarding health care and information technology to improve the quality and safety of health care delivery while also controlling costs.

2. MBA-Healthcare Management

Attaining an MBA can be very advantageous for individuals who hold a degree in Healthcare Administration. MBA Healthcare Management programs offer students in-depth, intensive studies with respect to all aspects of Healthcare Management. The skills obtained during the acquisition of a MBA can be very helpful across a broad range of career fields. This is the case because earning a MBA provides one with skills such as planning, organization, and time management. These skills are needed in almost every professional sector of society and can be of great use within the health care field.

3. Health and Human Services Administration

In attaining a Masters of Arts in the field of Health and Human Services Administration, students will be prepared to attain leadership positions within settings such as nursing homes, clinics, hospitals, group homes, assisted living facilities, hospice governmental agencies, insurance companies, home healthcare agencies, and medical manufacturers. The program will place emphasis on management and administration within the field of healthcare, human services, or long-term care.


If you are thinking about attaining a graduate degree to complement your Healthcare Administration degree, you should know that doing so can be a very prudent decision. In addition to pursuing any of the graduate programs listed above, you could opt to attain a graduate degree in fields such as a M.S. in Regulatory Compliance or a M. Sc. in Health Economics and Decision Modeling. By thinking critically about the graduate programs available and the direction you want to take your career in, you can select the right program to compliment your Healthcare Administration degree. Good luck!