When looking for accredited Master of Public Health degree programs in Hawaii, some students may wonder if there are good choices available. After all, Hawaii is mostly known for amazing surfing, outstanding scenery and a unique culture. What people don't realize, however, is that the Aloha State also has a number of colleges and universities that offer top-notch educational opportunities. Students looking for a master's degree in public health do not have to leave the islands in order to gain a good education. Instead, they simply need to look right in their own backyard.

University of Hawaii

Office of Public Health Studies

The Office of Public Health Studies at University of Hawaii is the only choice when it comes to accredited Master of Public Health degree programs in Hawaii. Students are given the opportunity to explore different facets of public health through these programs such as health policy and management, epidemiology, social and behavioral health sciences and Native Hawaiian and indigenous health. The goal of the Office of Public Health Studies is to advance the quality of health for those in Hawaii as well as those across the country and the world. The school puts a focus on diversity, research and service, allowing their students to gain a well-rounded educational experience.

Master of Public Health

Students who pursue a master's degree in public health from the University of Hawaii has been designed to provide their students with a strong background in public health. Students in this program can specialize in health policy and management, epidemiology, social and behavioral health sciences and Native Hawaiian and indigenous health. Within each specialty, students will also have the option of electing even more specialized options. Applicants to the program need to have a bachelor's degree in any field, but those with a background in biology, chemistry and calculus are preferred. Students who have experience working in public health are also invited to apply. Applicants should also be proficient in computers as many of the classes are based on computer models and programs. In addition to taking courses, students are also encouraged to take on field work and research.


  • Council on Education for Public Health

University of Hawai‘i
Office of Public Health Studies
1960 East-West Road, Biomed D-204
Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone: (808) 956-8577
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://manoa.hawaii.edu/publichealth/degrees/graduate/master-of-public-health

For people looking to go into public health, they can easily find a program in Hawaii that will meet their needs. Though there is only one accredited program in the state, this program has an excellent reputation and will fully prepare students for a career in the public health field. Choosing accredited Master of Public Health degree programs in Hawaii will easily put students on the right path.