Nursing is one of the fastest growing professions in the United States which is why individuals who have successfully completed an accredited nursing administration degree program in Louisiana may have more opportunities available to them than those who have not completed such degrees. Nursing leadership and administration is a critical part of the nursing profession. Most positions at the administrative level require graduate studies in order to qualify.

In Louisiana, nurse with upper level degrees often move into nurse practitioner or nurse anesthetist positions. The average annual salary for a nurse anesthetist in Louisiana is $126,670 per year compared to $62,450 for registered nurses. A nurse practitioner earns an average $96,820 per year. Throughout the country, healthcare administrators, which include nursing administrators, are expected to see a 17 percent growth over the next ten years, much higher than other industries. The average salary for a health administrator in the United States is $94,500 per year.

In order to qualify for many advanced positions in nursing, individuals must complete accredited nursing administration degree programs.

Loyola University New Orleans

Online Programs

Loyola University's Online Programs bring the classroom to the student, connecting them wherever they are through web-based teaching and learning. Programs use the Blackboard learning platform and students are provided the same level of education as those taking classes on campus. The online programs require students to be self-motivated and able to work independently as well as in teams. Online learning offers more flexibility but are just as rigorous as the programs taught in the traditional classroom setting.

Master of Science in Nursing

The School of Nursing through the Online Programs at Loyola University offers an online, non-clinical Master of Science in Nursing in Health Care Systems Management. The program focuses on leadership strategies with an emphasis in Health Care Systems Management. Students are provided information on disease prevention, health promotion and workforce management. The program provides flexibility in order to allow working professionals to obtain an accredited nursing administration degree. Students must hold a bachelor's degree or higher in nursing in order to apply for the program.


  • Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
  • Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education


College of Social Sciences
Stallings Hall, Room 202
6363 St. Charles Avenue
Campus Box 45
New Orleans LA 70118
Telephone: 800-488-6257
Email: [email protected]

Nurses who wish to move into more advanced positions including administration or those who wish to become nurse anesthetists or nurse practitioners must obtain advanced degrees. By successfully completing an accredited nursing administration degree program, individuals are more likely to achieve their career goals, move into a new career or advance in a current position.

Related Resource: 30 Most Affordable Online Nursing Administration Degrees (MSN)