Enrolling in one of the accredited nursing degree programs in Kansas is a great way to get started in the fast growing medical field. While some programs are open to those who recently graduated from high school and those who studied another topic before settling on nursing, some of the best programs are open to those who work as an RN and those who have more experience in nursing. With one of these degrees, you can ask your employer for a raise to compensate for your new experience or go out and find a job working at a hospital or another medical facility.

Grantham University

School of Nursing

The school now called Grantham University started out as the Grantham Radio Licensing School when it opened in the 1950s in Los Angeles, California. As a for-profit school, this small school offered classes designed to help students find jobs in specific fields and later branches into other subjects like business and nursing. A second branch of the school opened in Louisiana, but the school later moved to Missouri following the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Its School of Nursing and College of Nursing and Allied Health is available on several campuses, including its Kansas campus, and offers training for future nurses and medical professionals.

Master of Science in Nursing Nursing Management & Organizational Leadership

As you look for accredited nursing degree programs in Kansas, consider the Master of Science in Nursing Nursing Management and Organizational Leadership program offered by Grantham University. Designed for nurses who are ready to develop stronger skills and those who want to move up within the ranks of medical facilities, this program looks specifically at current trends in the nursing profession like global research, local practices, nursing management and social problems. It is available as a traditional MSN program for those who already have a BSN, but the university also offers an RN to MSN option that lets you transition from a simple RN license or degree to an MSN degree without taking a lot of extra classes first. Grantham University is a predominantly online college that lets you take all your courses and complete any other requirements while working from home. The program is open to students living in Kansas and other states.


  • Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)


16025 W 113th Street
Lenexa, KS 66219
[email protected]

MidAmerica Nazarene University

Nursing Programs

A large group of people following the Church of the Nazarene settled in Kansas and wanted to create a college that would improve and better the lives of their children. They eventually established MidAmerica Nazarene College in 1966. It would keep this name until it became MidAmerican Nazarene University in 1996. Though the college initially looked at other locations around the state, it settled on its current location after a businessman donated land for the construction of its campus. Around 25% of its students are adults over the age of 25, and a large percentage of its more than 1,500 students come from Kansas.

Master of Science in Nursing Healthcare Administration Track

MidAmerica Nazarene College expanded into the graduate nursing field with the addition of several upper level programs for students. Designed for those who already work as nurses, many of these programs rank among the top accredited nursing degree programs in Kansas, including its Master of Science in Nursing Healthcare Administration Track program. The program is available in an online form for students living in specific states, and you can see if you live in one of those states before you enroll. Instead of taking long classes each semester like you would in other programs, MNC lets you take classes that last for just eight weeks. You can enroll during any open period and begin taking classes just a few weeks later. Those who take classes on its Kansas campus can enroll as a part time or full time student and complete practical working requirements in medical facilities near the campus.


  • Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)


2030 E. College Way
Olathe, KS 66062-1899
(913) 782-3750

Now that you have an idea regarding some of the nursing programs available in the state, why not take a campus tour or find out more about the application process? With so many accredited nursing degree programs in Kansas, you can find one in your own city or within a short drive of your home.