If you are currently enrolled in school and attending a Healthcare Administration degree program, it is best to start browsing your internship opportunities early. With demand growing so quickly for candidates with a Bachelor's degree or higher in the industry, you have very good chances of landing an entry-level position when you graduate if you have worked as an intern in an administrative assistant type of position. When you are browsing through different internship opportunities with hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and government agencies, you will quickly notice that there are several different types of opportunities designed for individual who possess a Bachelor and Master degree. The type of internship that you select should be focused around the duties that you would like to do when you become an employee. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you are searching for the best internships.

When to Start Looking for an Internship

All too often, students wait until their senior year to start applying to become an intern. Health services internships are very competitive, and the opportunities are posted well in advance to leave time for interviews, the selection process, and so that the student can graduate. Many hospitals offer Administrative Fellowship and Internship Programs or Summer Internships to give students the hands-on experience they need to commit to making hospital management their career choice. If you are at the top of your class and you apply at least 1 year in advance, you can improve your chances of being selected by a reputable hospital. Summer programs may not require as much advance notice, but make sure to review the deadline dates prior to the Spring semester so that you are prepared to apply.

What Type of Internship is Right for You?

Any type of health services administrative internship will give you experience in the healthcare setting. If you are a student or a recent graduate with a Healthcare Administration degree, chances are you want to become a leader in the Health System at some point. Luckily, most internship programs that are available at large hospitals like UCLA have opportunities in different departments where you will complete projects that contribute to the organization and help you gain experience in your own specific areas of interest. In this type of program, you can meet with recruiters and discuss what type of project you are interested in completing. You can get involved with anything from analyzing the impact of the Healthcare Reform Act, to getting involved in Emergency Preparedness Planning. If you want a less tailored internship, there are plenty of assignments focused around finance, hospital operations, quality assurance, human resources, strategic planning, information technology ,and more.

If you want to build strong relationships with peers and leaders in the field, or you simply want to gain experience so that you can land an entry-level position, getting an intern job is a great way to begin your career. Look for opportunities at your university, at clinics, or hospitals, and select a position in an area of administration that you are interested in learning about. Once you choose an opportunity, make sure that you meet the requirements and then submit your application.